This platform allows everyone to share their extra materials, hidden skills, community resources, and faith testimony with our community.
It was established by the Wah Kee Church Social Service of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in December 2019. The charity sale of hand-made, new and second-hand items is used to raise funds for the service to special learning needs and the work salary allowance for “Big SEN Boy”.
What is “Big SEN Boy” ?
We recruit young people who have left school at the age of 16 and have been diagnosed with special learning needs (SEN). We provide different work training and internships, such as cleaning, shopping, and delivery, to learn work skills for setting foot into Society.
How to support us?
We accept any items donated by the neighbourhood for charity sale, but due to hygiene, we will not accept second-hand clothing, shoes and fur dolls.
If you have any enquiries, please contact the centre’s Manager Ms. Keiko Leung and Mr. Rob Lee.
SEN(Special Educational Needs)
The main categories include:
1. Special learning difficulties (including dyslexia and giftedness)
2. Insufficient concentration and hyperactivity (ADHD)
3. Autism
4. Speech disorder
5. Hearing Impairment
6. Visually Impaired
7. Physical disability
8. Intellectual disability.

Contact Us
Opening hours: Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
(Except public holidays)
Telephone: 2551 3683
WhatsApp: 5386 6569
Address: G/F, No. 49 Shek Pai Wan Road, Tin Wan, Hong Kong
Carousell: http://hk.carousell.com/share2gather
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